Helping drive the economic agenda of data

Enabling organisations to become more data-agile

We help organisations embrace AI and monetise data by overcoming the challenges faced with data integrity, lacking capability and machine learning expertise. Our holistic approach helps resolve fundamental issues with data and its management. At the same time, our strategically positioned technology partner enable you to drive down digital risk and expedite progress.


This comprehensive program sets out the steps to align your organisational and strategic efforts at every level.


We begin by assessing the current analytics and data landscape while supporting the organisation to rethink and reshape every aspect of people, process and technology.

The Playbook

  • Strategy & Road-mapping

    We conduct a multi-level assessment using SecondSight's custom application ‘Maestro’ to identify the current business goals and capabilities and rate how you score against best practices. From here, we start to curate use-case ideas from across the organisation and develop a plan for transformation.

  • A multi-disciplined and dedicated team of AI experts

    Are fully equipped to implement innovation with advanced data science and AI delivering real value across all departments and sectors.

    From cutting edge data-driven models to value-based healthcare and trustworthy AI-enabled processes, we provide knowledge networks that combine a strong human relationship and achieve better unbiased results. Making the possible happen.

  • Transition & Support

    When you are ready, we‘ll mobilise full time resources to build and sustain an ecosystem of excellence across the entire data supply chain.

    This final stage is designed to support the transition and installation of a permanent team, with guidance and help to secure the best talent for carrying the vision forward.

Our Data Whitepaper

Our Data Whitepaper

According to Gartner 85% of all data and data science projects fail to deliver commercial value or see any business adaptation.

A singular AI strategy for a joint venture

As part of our managed services offering, we were invited to support them on their data strategy and artificial intelligence vision and deliver use cases aligned to the design – helping to improve factors including operations, user experience and patient care. There was a desire from the top to create a centre of excellence – across the entire data supply chain.
A singular AI strategy for a joint venture

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