Halian blog

Adaptabilité et Bien-Être

Adaptabilité et Bien-Être

Now more than ever, organisations are focusing their efforts on nurturing employee well-being in the workplace. It is no more a matter of simply adapting, but becoming robustly adaptable. Read the article and find out more on how companies can support their employees in the best way.

Permettre aux entreprises d'adopter une approche agile en matière de données

Permettre aux entreprises d'adopter une approche agile en matière de données

We've united with SecondSight.Ai to create a data-science team driven to enable our customers to become more data-agile and encourage the monetisation of their data assets. As every business looks to succeed in an ever more competitive landscape leveraging data for competitive advantage is the key to success.

Dépasser les obstacles : surmonter les défis du milieu de travail pour les femmes

Dépasser les obstacles : surmonter les défis du milieu de travail pour les femmes

Women continue to navigate a maze of workplace challenges, striving for equality and recognition. However, amidst these challenges, there's a rising tide of resilience and empowerment as women, supported by advocacy groups and progressive employers, break barriers, challenge stereotypes, and pave the way for a more inclusive and equitable future.

L'emploi en Belgique: Cinq secteurs remarquables

L'emploi en Belgique: Cinq secteurs remarquables

The job market in Belgium is growing, with an employment rate of close to 75% in 2023. A safe and thriving place to live, more expat professionals are looking for job opportunities here. But what are the main standout sectors in Belgium’s job market? Here we break down the top five.

Comment l'intelligence artificielle renforce les biais de genre : Implications pour le Luxembourg, la France et la Belgique

Comment l'intelligence artificielle renforce les biais de genre : Implications pour le Luxembourg, la France et la Belgique

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a powerful tool that permeates various aspects of modern life. This blog post delves into how AI reinforces gender bias and its implications for Luxembourg, France, and Belgium. It sheds light on the challenges and opportunities for creating more equitable AI systems.

Conseils pour les parents qui travaillent : concilier carrière et famille

Conseils pour les parents qui travaillent : concilier carrière et famille

Balancing the demands of a career with the responsibilities of parenting can be a challenging juggling act for many working parents. In this blog post, we'll explore some practical tips for working parents to navigate the complexities of juggling work and family life.

La réponse de Halian à la crise des réfugiés ukrainiens

La réponse de Halian à la crise des réfugiés ukrainiens

We have all been deeply affected by the events taking place in Ukraine. With more than 3 million people who have had to abandon their homes and lives, we have unanimously decided to put what Halian does best at, work to support as many in need as possible. The current crisis has become an international example of how different countries and cultures can unite to help people in desperate need.

Des Techniques D'entrevue Qui Vont Au-Delà Des Traditionnelles Questions-Réponses

Des Techniques D'entrevue Qui Vont Au-Delà Des Traditionnelles Questions-Réponses

A look at interview strategies and examples that delve into candidates' motivations, problem-solving skills, and alignment with company values.

Entrevue avec Mihai

Entrevue avec Mihai

With an extensive background in service management, Mihai has been a crucial part of Halian’s Luxembourg team since 2019. As a result of his successes and in addition to his current role, he has recently taken the position of a Brand Ambassador for Halian. Learn more about who he is and his role in Halian in this conversation.

Recruter des talents en technologie

Recruter des talents en technologie

Employers and recruiters are hard pressed to put the right people in the right positions, and then when they have teams in place, it is difficult to keep them together in the current market. Read the article and find out what the current challenges in recruiting tech talent are and why working with the right recruitment partner can help businesses succeed.

Le Pouvoir De La Création D'une Marque Employeur Pour Un Recrutement Permanent Réussi

Le Pouvoir De La Création D'une Marque Employeur Pour Un Recrutement Permanent Réussi

Explaining how a strong employer brand can enhance the quality of candidates applying and lead to more successful permanent hires.

Le Silence Après Avoir Postulé : Percer Le Mystère Des Demandes D'emploi Sans Réponse

Le Silence Après Avoir Postulé : Percer Le Mystère Des Demandes D'emploi Sans Réponse

Explore the frustration of unanswered job applications, known as 'ghosting.' The rise of technology in hiring has led to overwhelming application volumes, making it difficult for recruiters to respond to everyone.

Qu'est-ce qui fait un bon portfolio UX ?

Qu'est-ce qui fait un bon portfolio UX ?

A portfolio reflects the designer's creativity and serves as a true example of what they are capable of and their abilities. Read the article to find out what makes a great UX portfolio and how to impress the hiring managers by setting yourself apart.

Le défi de la confidentialité des données

Le défi de la confidentialité des données

The implementation of data privacy regulations in the MENA region are creating new challenges and opportunities that will impact consumers and businesses locally. In an already tight labour market for tech talent, good data security specialists are hard to find and forward planning and flexibility are required to efficiently implement emerging data regulations.

Examen Des Nuances Et Des Considérations Culturelles Dans Le Recrutement En Arabie Saoudite

Examen Des Nuances Et Des Considérations Culturelles Dans Le Recrutement En Arabie Saoudite

As the Kingdom surges forward with its ambitious Saudi Vision 2030, diversification and growth beckon, creating a demand for a diverse workforce. However, this dynamic environment calls for a nuanced understanding of the rich cultural tapestry that underpins Saudi society.

Conseils pour se faire des amis au travail

Conseils pour se faire des amis au travail

Building meaningful connections at work is essential not just for productivity but for overall well-being. Here are some practical tips to help you foster friendships in the workplace.