Video Interviewing - Willo & Halian Partnership

Jan 13, 2021 12:00:00 AM

# *“In the midst of every crisis lies great opportunity”*– Albert Einstein

The pandemic has forced us all to adapt. Like most businesses, we have had to adjust to remote work and socially distanced ways of getting things done. One of the most important aspects of our operations has been significantly affected: the interviewing process. As it turns out, this is one area that we have not only adapted but have evolved. After an extensive search for the right technology, we partnered with [Willo]( to help us deliver a solution for effective communication and ease the interview processes when applicants are unable to be physically present. As we mark the first anniversary of the partnership, we’d like to highlight how partnering with a video interviewing software company has helped us achieve our business goals by providing an outstanding product that gives us valuable flexibility for finding the right candidates.

Simple Process

We love the hassle-free process that provides consistency from candidate to candidate. We pre-record or, sometimes, write out the questions for the candidate to respond to. This makes the process consistent. There is no subtle shifting of questions or intonation that can have significant results on the [impartiality of the interview process.]( Candidates love video interviewing because it’s simple. It saves them time and stress from face-to-face interviews. Willo enables candidates to record and re-record their interviews before they submit. This is an excellent benefit for people who have top-notch skills and expertise but aren’t exceptionally good at articulating those skills in the high stakes setting of a face-to-face interview. Once the candidate receives the interview invitation, they can complete the interview at their own convenience within a given timeframe.

A Step Forward

For a moment, let’s consider the normal hiring interview process. Interviews eat up scarce resources. They take up the time and energy of the candidate, not to mention the stress an interview can sometimes cause. Interviews can consume the interviewer's availability or panel of interviewers who must schedule a time and reserve a conference room (which is not as easy as it sounds in some organisations). Willo’s [on-demand process]( eliminates the need to coordinate the schedules of the candidates and all the interviewers. Video interviews let our recruiting teams manage their schedules more effectively. They can review submitted interviews at a convenient time and give feedback to the candidates rapidly. They can also be easily shared with colleagues and partners. This, of course, cannot be done with unrecorded interviews.

Global Reach

While the pandemic has forced us to adjust the hiring process, video interviewing has actually helped to solve a business problem. At all our offices, and especially in Saudi Arabia, it’s vital that we recruit from a global applicant pool in order to create a more diversified workforce. Video interviewing makes it easier to get to know candidates that live out of the country. Additionally, it helps us manage different time zones that can make synchronous interviews challenging during regular work hours. Overall, with minimised scheduling and travelling hassles, we are able to reduce the time it takes to go from application to placement. This is a massive win for the candidate and our clients.

Works Anywhere

[Willo]( requires only a browser and eliminates the need for downloads and updates. There is nothing more stressful than software that will not start. Think of being a candidate who is all set for the video conference interview to discover that the software that worked yesterday will not start today. No one wants to see the ‘six minutes to download software update’ popup when the meeting starts in five minutes – especially if they are on a spotty wi-fi connection. We remove this stress with its on-demand, easy to use solution.

A Way to Stand Out

In addition to the fact that candidates find the process easy, video interviews help us elevate our profile as a tech recruitment company. Since video interviewing is new to many people, it set us apart from the competition. In a tight job market, the little things can make all the difference. The COVID crisis has made us reevaluate how we get things done. Thanks to our partnership with Willo, we have embraced video interviewing as a simple, cost-effective way to improve the hiring processes.

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