The Pitfalls of Rage Applying: Why Quality Beats Quantity

Aug 7, 2024 9:00:00 AM

It's one of those days when nothing at work goes right. Adding to that frustration, you find out that someone else in your role is getting promoted instead of you. As a result, you find yourself browsing job boards and applying for new positions, seeking an escape from the office and a way to vent your frustrations. While others have embraced the trend of quiet quitting, a new trend is also emerging with today's workforce: rage-applying.

Rage-applying is the act of submitting job applications to different companies when feeling burned out or distressed at work. Studies show that workers often resort to rage-applying when they feel underappreciated, typically because of bottled-up frustrations.

Of course, your emotions largely govern these decisions. Although acting on them might feel productive at the time, the outcomes are frequently unsatisfactory. Even if you do secure a new job, there's a significant risk it might be less favourable than your previous one.

Let's look at the reasons why a quality-over-quantity approach is more effective:

Lack of Personalisation

When you rage apply, you typically end up sending generic CVs and cover letters to a large number of companies. This lack of personalisation is easily detected by hiring managers, and it reduces the chances of your application standing out. Personalised applications that highlight how your skills and experiences align with the specific job description show genuine interest and effort and can lead to making a stronger impression.

Lower Success Rate

Applying for many jobs in a short period can become challenging because of the need to tailor to each application. As a result, your applications may not fully convey why you're an excellent fit for the positions. Unfortunately, using this approach can often lead to more rejections.

Time and Energy Drain

Crafting high-quality job applications takes time and energy. Rage applying spreads your resources thin and can lead to burnout and reduce the quality of each application. Focusing on fewer applications allows you to invest the necessary effort into researching the vacancy so you can customise your application accordingly.

Misalignment with Career Goals

In the haste of rage-applying, you might end up applying for jobs that don't align with your long-term career goals. This misalignment can lead to jobs that aren't genuinely satisfying and can result in a repetitive cycle of job dissatisfaction and searching.

Negative Impression on Employers

Employers can often tell when a candidate is applying randomly. This behaviour might signal a lack of genuine commitment and can potentially harm your reputation within your industry. Demonstrating a thoughtful approach to job applications reflects positively on your professionalism and dedication.

The Quality-First Approach

Avoid the consequences of rage-applying by using a strategic approach to your job search. When frustrations arise at work, take a deep breath and calm yourself. Having an angry mindset will sometimes lead you to make decisions that you will probably regret later. If you truly feel that your efforts at your job no longer benefit you, start by identifying your career goals and the types of roles that genuinely interest you. Research potential employers and customise your resume and cover letter for each position. Highlight specific achievements and experiences that make you a perfect fit for the job. Networking can also play a crucial role in finding the right opportunities, so take the time to build and leverage professional relationships.

Don't Rage-Apply. Let Halian Help You Search for Your Dream Job!

At Halian, we're dedicated to helping you achieve your greatest potential. Drawing from our wealth of recruitment expertise, we're focused on matching you with top-notch opportunities that not only match your technical skills but also fit seamlessly with your professional aspirations and personal values. Let us help you refine your job search strategy and land positions that propel your career forward.

Explore our website and discover how Halian's job search services can elevate your employment journey today.


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