The new Skilled Workers Immigration Act in Germany and what it means for you

Jul 19, 2023 5:32:35 PM
Bursting with professionals and a booming economy, Germany is becoming more and more attractive for expatriate workers. And with the country facing a rather strong labor shortage for certain skilled workers, the government has been encouraging companies to look overseas for their talent. To help attract more foreign workers, the government has introduced a new law known as the Skilled Workers Immigration Act (FEG). Here we look at what this is and what it means for expat workers looking to make the move to Germany. **What is the new Skilled Workers Immigration Act?** Here is a quick breakdown of what the new legislation entails: - The new act makes it much easier for companies in Germany to hire non-EU workers, while also reducing the restrictions on foreign workers who live in Germany for extended periods. - There is less emphasis on academic qualifications and more on real life working experience. - Foreign workers are more likely to be able to bring their family with them to Germany than they were before. - Certain skilled workers can move to Germany for up to a year while they look for a job. They no longer need a job to get the visa to enter the country. - The new system also incorporates a merit-based, points system to determine who is eligible to enter the country for work. Points are given depending on qualifications, experience, shortage of that role within Germany, and connections to the country. **Why have the government introduced this new act? ** Germany is experiencing a real shortage of skilled workers. In fact, studies are suggesting that if things don’t change, by 2030 Germany will have a dire shortage on their hands. By introducing this new legislation, the German government is estimating it will bring more than 60,000 more foreign workers to the country, each year. **How can you register as a skilled worker in Germany?** - Get your educational qualification papers ready as these will be needed when you register. - You will need to prove your language skills, so sharpen up your German if you aren’t already a confident speaker. - Speak with recruitment companies in Germany or reach out to the German embassy in your home country to discuss if there are any more detailed requirements that will be necessary. _Looking for more information on whether you would be eligible for a work visa in Germany under the new law? Reach out to our team today to discuss your case. _

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