Halian blog

Top In-Demand Skills for Recruiters in Belgium

Top In-Demand Skills for Recruiters in Belgium

The Belgian recruitment landscape is booming, but what skills do you need to stand out? Discover the top qualities employers are seeking in today’s recruiters.

Diverse Teams Perform Better – Here's Why

Diverse Teams Perform Better – Here's Why

Explore the impact of diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) initiatives on a company's success and learn why more diverse teams tend to perform better than homogenous teams.

Bridging the Gap: Top Strategies to Address Your Organisation’s Skills Shortage

Bridging the Gap: Top Strategies to Address Your Organisation’s Skills Shortage

Feeling the pinch of a skills gap in your organisation? Discover practical strategies to bridge the gap, upskill your workforce, and stay ahead of the curve.

Why Saudi Arabia is a Land of Opportunity for Your Business

Why Saudi Arabia is a Land of Opportunity for Your Business

Considering expanding your business? Saudi Arabia’s booming economy, young population, and strategic location make it a market you can’t ignore.

Unveiling the Veil of Clichés: Crafting Resumes That Shine

Unveiling the Veil of Clichés: Crafting Resumes That Shine

This blog dissects the most common clichés lurking in resumes & unveils the secrets to crafting a standout document that truly reflects your capabilities.

Questions You Should Ask When Checking References

Questions You Should Ask When Checking References

Hiring the right candidate can be a daunting task, and checking references is a crucial step in the process. In this post, we’ll discuss the importance of reference checks and provide a comprehensive list of questions you should ask about your potential hire.

Mastering the Craft: Top 3 In-Demand Skills for Recruiters in Luxembourg

Mastering the Craft: Top 3 In-Demand Skills for Recruiters in Luxembourg

In talent acquisition, recruiters play a pivotal role in shaping organisations’ workforce. Particularly in countries like Luxembourg, where the job market is diverse and competitive, recruiters need to possess a unique set of skills to thrive.

How to Apply for a Job in Luxembourg

How to Apply for a Job in Luxembourg

Applying for a job in Luxembourg follows a structured process, but nuances in each country’s job market and cultural norms require tailored approaches. This guide navigates through the essential steps and cultural considerations to help you successfully land a job.

Top Tips for Making Friends at Work

Top Tips for Making Friends at Work

Building meaningful connections at work is essential not just for productivity but for overall well-being. Here are some practical tips to help you foster friendships in the workplace.

Unveiling the Telltale Signs of a Bad Boss

Unveiling the Telltale Signs of a Bad Boss

Behind every successful team lies an effective leader. However, not all leaders are created equal, and unfortunately, some fall into the category of bad bosses. In this blog post, we'll delve into the unmistakable signs that indicate you're dealing with a bad boss, empowering you to navigate your professional journey with confidence and clarity.

Top Tips for Implementing Flexible Work Arrangements in the Middle East

Top Tips for Implementing Flexible Work Arrangements in the Middle East

The concept of flexible work arrangements has gained significant traction worldwide. They offer employees greater autonomy and work-life balance. This blog post explores some tips for organisations looking to adopt flexible work policies.

How Artificial Intelligence Reinforces Gender Bias: Implications for Luxembourg, France, and Belgium

How Artificial Intelligence Reinforces Gender Bias: Implications for Luxembourg, France, and Belgium

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a powerful tool that permeates various aspects of modern life. This blog post delves into how AI reinforces gender bias and its implications for Luxembourg, France, and Belgium. It sheds light on the challenges and opportunities for creating more equitable AI systems.

Embracing Diversity in the Workplace: A Recipe for Success

Embracing Diversity in the Workplace: A Recipe for Success

Diversity in the workplace isn't just about ticking boxes or meeting quotas. It's about creating an environment where every individual feels valued, respected, and empowered. In this blog post, we'll explore why diversity matters and the benefits it brings to organisations.

Breaking Barriers: Overcoming Workplace Challenges for Women

Breaking Barriers: Overcoming Workplace Challenges for Women

Women continue to navigate a maze of workplace challenges, striving for equality and recognition. However, amidst these challenges, there's a rising tide of resilience and empowerment as women, supported by advocacy groups and progressive employers, break barriers, challenge stereotypes, and pave the way for a more inclusive and equitable future.

Crafting Inclusive Job Posts to Empower Women

Crafting Inclusive Job Posts to Empower Women

Diversity and inclusion are not just buzzwords; they are essential components for fostering innovation and success within organisations. However, despite significant strides in workplace equality, gender disparities persist, particularly in specific industries and positions. In this blog post, we'll explore some actionable strategies for modifying job posts to appeal to a broader range of candidates, particularly women.

Debunking Misconceptions Surrounding Older Employees

Debunking Misconceptions Surrounding Older Employees

Ageism remains a persistent issue, with older employees often facing unfair stereotypes and misconceptions. However, these assumptions fail to acknowledge the valuable skills, experiences, and perspectives that older workers bring to the table. In this blog post, we'll debunk common misconceptions surrounding older employees and shed light on why they are a valuable asset in any workplace.